Hybrid Mobile app development makes work quite easy for the web developers as it’s easy to build a single app which performs efficiently on numerous platforms such as iOS, Android & windows with no extra effort. Also, there are so many advantages of the Hybrid app which includes cost-effective development, access to a wide range of numerous hardware/software capabilities & probability. So, it becomes a profitable venture for the people.
The most crucial matter of this whole process is you need high-quality & advanced mobile app framework to build hybrid applications. So, you have to pick mobile framework wisely. So, now let’s have a look at the best hybrid Mobile app Frameworks in 2019 on the basis of functionalities, features and user experience.
Top 5 Hybrid Mobile App Frameworks in 2019

1. Flutter
Google’s Flutter is mobile app SDK used for developing high-quality native interfaces on Android and iOS. This framework was launched in the year 2018 and works well with existing code. It is an open-source mobile application development platform and using this will help one with the benefits like foundation libraries, widgets, and more. Flutter is fast and also helps one with the development of cross-platform applications.
Features :
- It is an open-source platform
- Flutter is dart based.
- You will also be benefited with a wide range of widgets which can be customized as per the specific needs.
- It gives good competition to React Native platform in terms of performance and responsiveness.
- It is perfect for MVP
- Easy to use Interfaces
2. React Native
Developed in the year of 2015, React Native has become the best substitute for building captive solutions. It was Facebook, who brought in this amazing platform for building applications like never before. There is no need for separate iOS and Android teams while using React Native framework. This framework makes coding easier for developers allowing them to build interactive mobile applications for both iOS and Android platforms, with a single JavaScript codebase. Applications developed with React Native framework are second to none as you get easy and attractive user interface to native modules in the bank. Applications like Uber Eats, Instagram, and even Bloomberg, are good examples of it.
Features :
- It covers both iOS and Android Platforms
- Hybrid Application renders natively because of the reusable components.
- One can use React Native UI components to another application’s code without having to rewrite it again.
- Native Application development is way more efficient.
- You get the compatibility of a wide range of third-party plugins.
- Less usage of memory.
- Excellent responsive time
- Act as a time saver for developers
- Supports Node.Js
3. Ionic
Ionic is the most popular & favorite framework on the list for the hybrid app development.It is an HTML5 mobile app development framework which is designed with native-styled UI elements. It is used to build hybrid mobile apps.The cool thing about it is that Iconic has a rich set of advanced features such as mobile components, interactive paradigms, typography, and an extensible base theme that makes the job easier.
Features :
- Expertise in the advanced technologies such as CSS, HTML AngularJS or Javascript components.
- Support for Angular material design.
- Wrapping Angular Framework.
- The Ionic framework is easily maintainable.
- Scalable.
- Easy to read.
- Open source & free.
4. Framework 7
Framework 7 is known to make the web development process agile. The coolest thing about Framework 7 is, unlike other hybrid frameworks, it has no external dependency on tools like Angular or React.
Features :
- Super easy & comfortable to use. You just have to know the CSS, HTML or JavaScript.
- Open Source.
- A Lots of UI elements and widgets.
- Powerful performance.
- Use a lot of animation.
- Totally free from license fee.
5. PhoneGap
Being mobile-centric and open-source; Phonegap development is one of the most popular application development frameworks.It is one of the most popular frameworks which is used by many experienced developers. With Phonegap framework one can deliver robust and feature-rich applications which are fully customized hybrid applications that works efficiently across multiple platforms and reach large scale audience in lesser time.
Features :
- Supports iOS, Android, Palm, BlackBerry, Symbian, and iPad &Single code development for all of the platforms
- Built on technologies like HTML JavaScript and CSS3 that gives a rich experience
- Open-source cross-platform.
- Native Functionality.
- Can be extended with native plug-ins & let developers add more functionalities.
Our Pick:
Whenever you select a hybrid mobile app framework, you have to pay special concern to your target & ask the question to yourself – what do you want from your application. You have to be assured that you choose the appropriate hybrid mobile app framework for your requirements.
According to current trend (2019), we shall suggest going with react-native framework as it is suitable and easy for development and maintenance of smaller to enterprise level project.