10 Ways to Get Your Recruitment Website Ranking on Google

01 March 2022

How do I get my recruitment website to rank on Google? It's the million-dollar question we all want an easy answer to.While the solution isn't simple, the good news is that there are a few things you can do to improve the SEO of your recruitment website, and now is the best time to do so.

How do I get my recruitment website to rank on Google? It's the million-dollar question we all want an easy answer to. While the solution isn't simple, the good news is that there are a few things you can do to improve the seo of your recruitment website design, and now is the best time to do so.

Here are some basic tips that will help you improve your recruitment website’s visibility on Google:

1. Make sure your keyword phrases are well-chosen.

Consider your keyword phrases before writing a blog post or creating recruitment content for any page on your website. When looking for jobs and recruitment, what terms are most likely to be typed into Google by candidates or clients?

Use a free keyword tool (I use Wordstream's) to uncover less competitive keyword chances that are easier to rank for. Once you've determined the keyword you want to target, incorporate it into the page title, description, and body text.

It's difficult to rank for more than one keyword phrase every page, therefore stick to one major keyword per page.

2. Localise

We've all accepted the fact that Google knows where we live by now. When you search for something on the internet, search engines scan for keywords linked to your location to provide you with the most relevant results.

You should take advantage of this as a recruitment firm. For example, you can include places in some of your keywords and URLs to increase the frequency with which your material appears in candidate searches in your target locations.

If you don't have a Google My Business page and don't specify the job location on each job page, Google will not scrape your jobs for Google for Jobs searches.

That brings me to my next point...

3. Make your job postings more effective.

You won't show up in applicant job searches if your job ads aren't optimised for SEO and Google for Jobs ready.

When an applicant conducts a job-related Google search, the Google for Jobs snippet appears first, as shown in the screenshot below:

Google Job Listing

You must have the required schema in place and contain the right information that Google looks for in way to extend jobs to the snippet feature in order for Google to scrape your job ads so they appear in Google for Jobs.

Getting your dream job comes with a slew of possibilities. Prepared for Google for Jobs? This Google for Jobs playbook will teach you all you need to know.

4. YouTube Content

Generating video content for your recruitment YouTube channel has become a wonderful tip for achieving quick prominence in search engines since Google bought YouTube.

Simply put, you should begin developing video content around the keyword words you want to rank for. You don't even need pricey video equipment to make great video content – learn how to film and edit recruitment videos on an iPhone.

5. Meta Data

You'll be prompted to provide each page of your website a title and meta description when you create a web page for your website.

You won't see meta data on your website in any visible places, yet it's critical for SEO. The meta titles and descriptions that display in SERPs are called meta titles and descriptions (search engines ranking pages).

6. Alt Tags

Alternative text descriptions, often known as 'alt tags,' are words that you enter into your website's content management system (CMS) to explain the photos you submit.

Alt tags are useful for assisting search engine crawlers in locating and understanding your pages so that they can offer the most relevant results to visitors. Not only that, but they also make the internet more accessible to folks who use screen readers.

Alt tags should not be used to stuff keywords; instead, they should simply describe what's in the image.

7. Google Algorithm Changes

Just when you think you've nailed your SEO approach, Google decides that 65 characters is too lengthy for a title, or that adding keywords to your alt text is, in fact, a smart idea. Google updates their algorithm roughly once a day, as strange as it may sound!

As a result, the guidelines for SEO best practises are always evolving. Sign up for the mailing lists of SEO industry blogs like Search Engine Watch, SEOmoz, and Search Engine Land to stay on top of any changes. They aren't tied to recruitment, but they will keep you informed about any changes that may affect your SEO approach.

8. Publish information that is both relevant and of high quality.

Our number one approach for improving your recruitment website's Google ranking is to provide regular, high-quality content. And, regrettably, there isn't a quick fix for great content. All you have to do is put in the effort to see results.

You'll improve your chances of visibility on Google every time you submit a new quality blog post or a clear and well-written page outlining something about your recruitment services.

Never be tempted to utilise stock material, pay pennies for poorly written content, or even worse, plagiarise information from a competitor's site.

9. Update your content on a frequent basis.

Regularly updating your website isn't just a good method to keep prospects interested; it's also a fantastic way to keep Google interested.

Fresh, relevant material has been shown to assist your website climb the search results page.

10. Establish Backlinks

Backlinks are links to your website from other websites. To increase your backlinks, all you have to do is construct a recruitment website that is worth linking to!

If Google notices that other reliable websites are linked to you, it will consider you a reliable source and rank you higher in search results.

Your recruitment clients are the greatest place to start with link building (the practise of getting other websites to link to pages on your website). Do you have a satisfied client with whom you work on a regular basis? Request that they provide a link to your website on their site.

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